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The worlds first industry tested & Patented UV Knife Steriliser.
The Best in the Industry since 2016

Save Money on Water and Energy bills.

Meat processing plant
Steri5 3qtr view plus block knivesPSv2.jpg
Image by Serge Kutuzov

Welcome to ABL, your trusted source for cutting-edge UV biosafety disinfection and air purification equipment.

We know that keeping bacteria and viruses at bay is essential for the well-being of your business.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with top-of-the-line, cost-effective solutions that will not only improve biosafety but also enhance the efficiency of your operations, reduce odours and sickness, and lower energy consumption.

Our low-carbon, high-performance products are designed to protect your staff, customers, and reputation from unseen biosafety hazards.

Trust ABL to help keep your business running smoothly and safely.

Leading Technology

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Production products

ABL offers a variety of UV biosafety disinfection and air purification equipment to meet the specific needs of your business. From air purifiers to knife sterilisers, our selection of cutting-edge equipment is designed to provide the most effective solutions. Trust ABL to help keep your business running safely and efficiently.

Energy saving & water reduction technology

ABL's UV knife sterilisers are a smart choice for reducing energy costs and meeting carbon reduction targets. They are up to 99% more energy efficient than hot water disinfection systems. Additionally, grant funding is often available to support the switch to more efficient UV technology. Trust ABL to help your business save on energy costs and meet sustainability goals.

Workplace products

Biohazards can be present in various areas of your business, from production spaces to washrooms, offices, and even vehicles. ABL offers solutions to protect them all. Our selection of UV biosafety disinfection and air purification equipment can be tailored to suit the specific needs of each area, ensuring that your entire business is protected from unseen biohazards. Trust ABL to provide the right solution to keep all aspects of your business safe and clean.

Science and sustainability

ABL's UV solutions are a proven way to enhance food safety in the industry. UVC technology stops bacteria from multiplying quickly, which can occur at a rate of one to 17 million in just 8 hours. Our solutions not only improve food safety but also help your business move closer to its sustainability goals by reducing energy costs, saving water, and decreasing waste and effluent. Trust ABL to help keep your food industry business safe and sustainable.

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Our Staff Combined Experience


Combined Years of Experience


Products Installed


Countries World Wide

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